Hearing Conservation
One big part of hearing health is preserving the hearing you have — regardless of whether you have a hearing loss. Here are some empowering [...]
Hearing is one of our most essential senses, connecting us to loved ones, the world around us, and even ourselves. When issues like earwax buildup threaten that connection, it's natural to have questions.
One big part of hearing health is preserving the hearing you have — regardless of whether you have a hearing loss. Here are some empowering [...]
Over-the-counter hearing aids (also known as “OTCs” or “OTC hearing aids”) hit the market in the fall of 2022. How are they different from traditional [...]
No matter how long you’ve been using hearing technology, there are still ways you can maximize their potential. We’ve collected five tips to help you [...]
A hearing evaluation isn’t the same thing you experienced at elementary school. Sure, we’ll do that test, too. But it’s just one part of a [...]
Hearing loss can happen to anyone — not just people over 55 or rock concert enthusiasts. Anything from earwax buildup to autoimmune disorders can cause [...]
Hearing technology is leaps and bounds beyond what it was even a generation ago. Today’s hearing aids are mini-supercomputers. But don’t let that scare you [...]